Qigong Sensory Treatment Massage

Research-Based Parent-Delivered Treatment for Children with Autism

Parent Training

QST Parent Training consists of a 1.5-hour workshop, followed by eight 30-minute follow-up sessions with the child over the course of 16 weeks.

In the workshop, parents are trained to deliver the 15-minute daily massage treatment. The trainer then follows up with parents and child, providing advanced training to teach parents to recognize the child’s body responses to the treatment in order to deliver an attuned massage. 

The advanced training helps parents to adjust the massage as the child progresses: The treatment is attuned to conform to the child’s sensory development.

The workshop may include a cohort of families, who are able to learn from and support one another. Families also have the option of being trained individually. Follow-up sessions are conducted individually with each family.

Contact Us for More Information

© 2021 Rosimery Bergeron Counseling LLC

DBA Autism Treatment Center

13946 SW Knickerbocker Ln

Camp Sherman OR 97730